Covid Announcements
Updated on 11/14/23
Covid-19 Vaccinations will ONLY be available BY APPOINTMENT or at various outreach events.
We will no longer be providing Covid-19 vaccines at the Drive-thru Pharmacy. Established Patients may call 352.732.6599 to schedule their Covid-19 vaccine.
We continue to provide Covid-19 testing to established HFHC patients by appointment.
Please continue to visit our website for updates.
If you are experiencing any cough or cold symptoms, please consider wearing a mask for the safety of all visitors, patients, and staff.
Cubiertas faciales no son obligatorias pero si se recomiendan
Si tiene algún síntoma de tos o resfriado, considere usar una máscara para la seguridad de todos los visitantes, pacientes y personal.
For further information on Vaccinations and Boosters please visit…
COVID-19 Public Education Campaign | WECANDOTHIS.HHS.GOV
Get free at-home COVID-19 tests
Every home in the U.S. is eligible to order 4 free at-home COVID-19 tests. The tests are completely free. Orders will usually ship in 7-12 days. Visit www.Covidtest.gov
Order your tests now so you have them when you need them.
Latest Vaccine Information
We are currently offering Moderna and Pfizer Bivalent Covid-19 Vaccines for Adults and Children 12-18 Years (A Parent or Legal Guardian Must be Present).
Only at our Drive-Thru Pharmacy location: 1536 S. Pine Ave., Ocala, FL 34471
Vaccination card or proof of prior vaccination must be shown with each vaccination and booster.
No appointment is required.
Monday-Saturday: 9a-12p
Please continue to monitor our website for changes and updated information.
Lunes-Sábado: 9a-12p
Se debe mostrar la tarjeta de vacunación o prueba de vacunación previa con cada vacunación y refuerzo.
Por favor visite nuestro portal continuamente para mas información, actualizaciones, vacunas y cambios de horario o fechas.
COVID-19 Information
The ongoing safety of our patients, staff and community will remain our primary focus. We will continually and carefully evaluate how to best deliver the highest quality of care.
HFHC is now offering telehealth appointments for some types of visits. This will allow you to speak with a healthcare provider on a videochat or over the phone. You may schedule with our call center at 352-732-6599.
Telehealth Visit Types:
- Behavioral Health Visits
- Lab Review
- Upper respiratory symptoms
- Sinus Symptoms
- Bronchitis
- Cough
- Skin Rash
- Urinary Symptoms
- Seasonal Allergies
- Conjunctivitis
- Acne
- Smoking Cessation
- Insomnia
- Headache
- Minor Rashes
- Weight Management
- ADHD (for established patients only)
En Español
La seguridad permanente de nuestros clientes, personal y comunidad seguirá siendo nuestra prioridad. Evaluaremos continua y cuidadosamente la mejor forma de brindarles el servicio y cuidado de mas alta calidad.
Heart of Florida ahora ofrece citas de telesalud para algunas clases de visitas. Esto le permitirá hablar con un proveedor de atención médica a través de una video llamada o por teléfono. Usted puede programar la cita con nuestro centro de llamadas marcando el teléfono: 352-732-6599
Tipos de visitas de telesalud:
- Visitas de salud mental y comportamiento
- Revisión de exámenes de laboratorio
- Síntomas de problemas con las vías respiratorias superiores
- Síntomas de sinusitis
- Bronquitis
- Tos
- Sarpullido – erupción cutánea
- Síntomas de problemas urinarios
- Alergias estacionales
- Conjuntivitis
- Acné
- Programas para dejar de fumar
- Insomnio
- Dolor de cabeza
- Sarpullidos menores
- Control de peso
- TDAH (ADHD) (Trastorno por Déficit de Atención con Hiperactividad) – solo para pacientes establecidos